How Meetings Can Change The World

Icebreakers. Do We Really Need Them?
Are icebreakers a waste of time and energy? If done correctly they can transform a meeting in a positive way. If the icebreaker is bad, it will drag the event down with it. Find out the right way do break the ice.
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What’s the Right Environment for Your Meeting?
It’s all about location, as in what’s the right environment for your meeting. There’s a lot to think about when choosing the right place to hold your business event. If you ignore the environment, you could have a less than productive meeting.
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Meeting Attendees’ Bill of Rights
We all know that bad meetings waste time and resources and drain your team’s energy and passion. What if your attendees had a Bill of Rights?
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Have You Ever Had A Conference Hangover?
I attended a marathon-like workshop a couple weeks ago that left me feeling exhausted, dehydrated, my head hurt, my brain was foggy, and I was a little moody. I thought I had a hangover but I hadn’t been drinking. The Mayo Clinic lists the following symptoms of a...
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Organized and Focused — Are They The Same Thing?
Are your meetings organized AND focused? Do you think they are the same thing? As long as you’ve got an agenda you’re good to go, right? WRONG! You need a great agenda and you need to stick to it to have the most productive meeting possible.
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What Can Meetings Do For Your Business?
At GO Where Meetings Matter we believe whenever people meet there is an opportunity to change the world and a recent survey of senior executives in mid-sized to large companies by the Meetings Mean Business (MMB) coalition shows that C-suite executives believe meetings can improve their businesses. Their investment in face-to-face meetings is likely to grown in 2016.
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